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Classics on stress, trauma, and the connection they hold to the body:


Newer books related to healing trauma that are also really helpful:​​


Books specifically on the topic of pain:






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for Greater Balance and Less Pain in Feet, Ankles, Legs, Knees, and Hips



  • Shoespiracy - a short informational video about how we ended up with shoes that don't fit our natural foot shape and that don't allow for natural movement as we are designed for.

  • Free Your Feet exercise program - a FREE program by Petra Fisher to build strength and flexibility in the muscles of your feet. An awesome program for those new to the world of minimalist shoes or for those who need improved foot function or pain relief. I can't recommend it enough!

  • How Do I Transition to Minimalist Shoes? - a blog post and wonderful resource by Petra Fisher about the hows and whys of switching to minimalist shoes, including info for those who have been wearing orthotics or other support devices.

  • Anya's Reviews - a blog where you can find tons of helpful info about minimalist shoes, where to find them, what brands are good for different foot types, and reviews of them all

  • Natural Movement Facebook group - a great place to learn and ask questions related to foot health, minimalist shoes, and healthy movement patterns

  • Barefoot Style Facebook group - another great place to learn about these topics

  • Minimalist Shoe Buy/Sell/Trade - because minimalist shoes that are designed for natural movement in mind can be expensive and hard to find!

  • Kids' Minimalist Shoe Buy/Sell/Trade

  • Correct Toes - toe spacers made by a company here in the U.S. that knows what they are doing! Everyone online says they are worth the extra cost compared to cheaper versions found on Amazon. If your toes need retrained to be splayed out for optimal balance, these will do the trick.

  • Katy Bowman, a biomechanist with a large following, has authored several books about what she calls "nutritious movement". Find here on Amazon.

Book List
Online Resources
Self-Treatment Tools
Natural Movement
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